Knowledge and practice of sedentary lifestyle among bankers in Abuja, North-Central Ngeria


  • S. A. Aderibigbe
  • G. O. Sule
  • F. A. Olatona
  • O. O. Goodman
  • O. O. Sekoni


Sedentary Lifestyle, Knowledge, Practice, Abuja, Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ)


Objective: Appropriate regular physical activity is a major component in preventing the growing global burden of chronic disease and at least 60% of the global population fails to achieve the minimum recommendation of 30 minutes moderate intensity physical activity daily. This study was aimed at assessing the knowledge and practice of sedentary lifestyle among bankers in Bwari Area Council, FCT, Abuja in North-Central Nigeria.

Methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional study using self administered questionnaire. Systematic sampling was used to recruit 257 bankers from the various banks within BAC. The data was analysed using EPI INFO computer software package (version 3.5.3). 

Results: More than half 174 (67.7%) of the respondents were aware of sedentary lifestyle; 104 (59.9%) had good knowledge of sedentary lifestyle while 55 (31.5%) had poor knowledge. More than half 155 (60.3%) of the respondents were sedentary while only 102 (39.7%) were physically active. Knowledge of sedentary lifestyle did not significantly influence practice of sedentary lifestyle.

Conclusion: There was good knowledge of sedentary lifestyle among the respondents. More than half of the bankers were found to be sedentary and about a third were physically active. Programmes aimed at improving physical activity among employees of this occupation group are therefore advocated.


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How to Cite

Aderibigbe, S. A., Sule, G. O., Olatona, F. A., Goodman, O. O., & Sekoni, O. O. (2023). Knowledge and practice of sedentary lifestyle among bankers in Abuja, North-Central Ngeria. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 5(3), 167–175. Retrieved from

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