Consumer knowledge and utilization of food labels on prepackaged food products in Lagos State
Food labels, food labelling, consumer knowledge, knowledge of food labels, utilization of food labels, prepackaged food productsAbstract
Objectives: Consumption of pre-packaged food products which are a risk factor for non-communicable diseases, is on the increase in many developing countries. This study sought to determine the knowledge and utilization of food labels among consumers of pre-packaged food products in Lagos State.
Method: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study among adults in Lagos, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling method was used to select 420 respondents. Only adults who consume pre-packaged foods were included in the study. Data was collected using structured interviewer administered questionnaires and analysis was done using Epi Info 7 statistical software. Level of significance was set at p<0.05.
Results: Only 21 (5.0%) respondents had good level of knowledge of food label information. There was a significant association between level of knowledge of food label information and age in this study, level of knowledge increased with increasing age (p<0.05). Less than one third of the respondents, 123 (29.2%) made good use of food label information. There was a positive significant association between income and use of food labels. (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Levels of knowledge and use of food label information were poor among consumers of prepackaged food products in Lagos State. There is a need for increased nutrition education of the study population to improve their nutritional knowledge and use of food label information.
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