Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards hepatitis B virus prevention among nursing students at a selected campus in Rwanda.


  • A. Umuhoza
  • A. Nkurunziza
  • J. Mukashema
  • M. C. Mukarugenga
  • J. P. Ndayisenga
  • J. Rugema


Hepatitis B virus, knowledge, attitudes, practices, nursing students, Rwanda


Introduction: Hepatitis B virus continues to be among the significant global challenges, and its prevention is doubtable among nursing students due to the lack of knowledge or exposure to risky behaviors in their clinical practices. This study was conducted to assess nursing students at a selected campus in Rwanda about their knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards hepatitis B prevention.

Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used to conduct this study. Non-probability sampling, including convenience and snowball techniques, was used to determine the representation at all levels at a selected Campus from May to July 2018. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 was used for data entry. Descriptive and inferential statistics using Binary logistic regression were used to analyze the data. Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the University of Rwanda approved the study, and participants' rights were protected.

Results: Among 171 study participants, only 140 returned the completed questionnaires, which translates to a response rate of 82.4%.  Among the students who participated in this study, most were males, 75 (53.5%). The respondents' mean age was 25 years old, and the maximum age was 43. Most of the participants were from level 1 52(37.1%). The findings revealed that nursing students have adequate knowledge and practices towards HBV prevention at 65% and 71%, respectively. However, their attitudes regarding HBV prevention were negative because 96% scored at most four questions right.

Conclusion: Knowledge and practices regarding HBV prevention among nursing students were quite adequate. However, a significant proportion of nursing students do not have good attitudes. These findings highlight the need to increase knowledge about HBV among nursing students in clinical orientation meetings before starting their clinical placements and introducing infection prevention and control training when they are already in clinical settings.


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How to Cite

Umuhoza, A., Nkurunziza, A., Mukashema, J., Mukarugenga, M. C., Ndayisenga, J. P., & Rugema, J. (2023). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards hepatitis B virus prevention among nursing students at a selected campus in Rwanda. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 9(1), 44–51. Retrieved from