Determinants of voluntary blood donation among adults in communities of north central region of Nigeria
Determinants, voluntary, blood, donation, NigeriaAbstract
Objective: The collection of blood from voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors is an important measure for ensuring the safety, quality, availability and accessibility of blood. The study assessed factors affecting voluntary blood donation in North-central zone, Nigeria.
Methods: The study design was descriptive cross-sectional, data was collected using a pre-tested interviewer administered questionnaire from 3104 respondents using multistage sampling technique. Data was analyzed using EPI INFO computer software package (version 3.5.3). Level of significance was pre-determined at p-value < 0.05 at a confidence level of 95%.
Results: Respondents with good knowledge of voluntary blood donation had better practice of voluntary blood donation. Younger age groups were 8 times more likely to donate blood voluntarily than older respondents. Yoruba ethnic groups are 1.5 times more likely to donate blood than other ethnic groups.
Conclusion: For Nigeria and other developing countries at large to achieve 100% voluntary blood donation drive by year 2020, it is critical to change the blood donation culture from replacement to that of volunteerism through more effective communication and mobilization of donors. These efforts must be rendered more methodical and accomplished through a wider range of strategies.
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