Systemic Sclerosis
Systemic Sclerosis, clinical features, case reportAbstract
A case of Systemic Sclerosis is hereby reported, with brief review of literature emphasizing the clinical characteristics and management. Systemic Sclerosis is a connective tissue disorder affecting the skin, blood vessel, and visceral organs. Data relating to the occurrence of scleroderma is sparse or underreported in Liberia. This is a case report of a patient suffering from scleroderma seen at the Jackson F. Doe Regional Referral Hospital, Tappita, Nimba County, Liberia in May, 2018. The goal was to document the clinical occurrence of scleroderma in Liberia. Literature was reviewed using key words including scleroderma, sclerosis, Liberia, West Africa. Data bases searched were AJOL and Pubmed. Clinical manifestations of systemic scleroderma arise from the diffuse deposition of collagen in the skin and visceral organs coupled with vascular injury and immunologic abnormalities. The skin becomes taut resulting in claw like appearance of fingers and a mask like appearance of the face. There are associated orofacial changes resulting in decrease in facial profile, rigidity of tongue and microstomia.
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Systemic sclerosis - case report Alebiosu et al.
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