Male Reproductive Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Possible Medicinal Plant Remedies: A Review.


  • D. S. Arokoyo
  • I. P. Oyeyipo
  • S. S. Du Plessis
  • Y. G. Aboua


Diabetes, Complications, Medicinal Plants, Erectile dysfunction, Remedies


Objective: Male reproductive dysfunction and subsequent infertility are major complications that are becoming increasingly associated with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Due to frequent failure in treatment with orthodox antidiabetic drugs, there has been a massive shift of attention to alternative therapies. The antidiabetic potential of a large number of medicinal plants have been investigated both in-vitro and in experimental animal models. These specific plants were predominantly used because of the antioxidant capacity of their bioactive phytoconstituents. This review focuses on reproductive dysfunctions commonly suffered by male diabetic patients and medicinal plants that have been tested and reported for their roles in ameliorating such dysfunctions.

Method: All original journal articles and reviews cited on PubMed between 2005 and 2015 in English language were considered for this review.

Results and conclusion: This review reestablished the fact that male infertility is a common complication of poorly managed diabetes mellitus. It also highlighted the fact that the numerous challenges associated with the use of orthodox drugs in management of the disease makes medicinal plant therapy inevitable. However, the full potentials of these medicinal plants at correcting reproductive complications of the disease are still to be realized and more specific studies are required in this field for improved therapeutic outcomes.


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How to Cite

Arokoyo , D. S., Oyeyipo, I. P., Du Plessis , S. S., & Aboua , Y. G. (2023). Male Reproductive Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Possible Medicinal Plant Remedies: A Review. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 5(3), 126–139. Retrieved from