Are HAARTs beneficial for spermatozoa of HIV patients?
HIV/AIDS, HAART, sperm, Assisted reproductive technology, AfricaAbstract
SubSaharan Africa and the major cause of death in the world. The review aims to focus on the effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on the male gametes of HIV positive persons in order to give an insight into the fate of men infected with HIV with respect to their chances of having offsprings following the commencement of HAART.
Methods: This review considered all original and review articles published on Pubmed from year 2000 to 2015. A few selected, exceptionally relevant publications outside this period were also reviewed.
Results: HAART has been shown to improve the health, quality of life and reduction in the morbidity and mortality attributable to HIV-induced immune deficiency. It is anticipated that the survival of patients influence their fertility parameters while on treatment, with focus on young males, within the reproductive age.
Conclusion: A better understanding of the influence of HAART on spermatozoa in patients with HIV/AIDS undergoing therapeutic management is therefore vital for knowledge and a proactive measure in order not to add to their burden if there is expression of the desire to conceive a child.
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