Inadvertent prolapse of a huge cervical fibroid mimicking acute uterine inversion: A case report
Prolapse, Cervical fibroid, Uterine inversion, Cervical myomectomyAbstract
Prolapse of cervical fibroid is a rare but life threatening occurrence. This
complication may occur early in some patients while in others it may follow
complications like constipation, difficulty in micturition to mention a few. A 47
year old Para o lady presented to the Accident and Emergency Unit of our
hospital with a two(2) day history of a huge mass protruding per vagina and a
history of significant bleeding per vagina. Packed Cell Volume was 19% on
admission and she had Four(4) units of blood transfused. She subsequently had
examination under general anaesthesia and cervical myomectomy was done.
Her Post Operative clinical state was satisfactory.
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