Respiratory symptoms and pulmonary functions of firefighters in Ogun State, Nigeria: A preliminary report.
Spirometry, firefighters, Medical Research Council's Committee Questionnaire (MRCQ)Abstract
Objectives: This study was done to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and abnormal respiratory functions as well as the association between the respiratory functions and the duration of employment among fire fighters in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Methods: Forty seven (47) fire fighters were included in this study. Data was collected with MRCQ questionnaire and Spirometry was done with Spirolab III. Data collected was analyzed using IBM-SPSS 20.
Results: The mean age in this study was 44.09 ± 6.89 years. 43 (91.5%) were male while 4 (8.5%) were females. 46.8% and 48.9% had cough and breathlessness respectively. 44.7% had been firefighters for 2125 years while 70.2% work 21-30-hours/week. Spirometry was normal in 37(78.7%), obstructive in 8(17%) and restrictive in 2(4.3%).
Conclusion: The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was high in the firefighters in this study. Cough and breathlessness were the most reported symptoms. Majority of the firefighters had normal spirometry.
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