The impact of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone on oestrous cycle and reproductive hormones in female wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus)


  • A. O. Olarinoye
  • A. O. Oyewopo
  • J. K. Olarinoye
  • B. A. Olagbaye


Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, Oestrous cycle, Reproductive hormones


Aim of Study: The study was aimed at evaluating the impact of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile phones on the oestrous cycle and reproductive hormones in female Wistar rats.

Methods: Twenty-one Mature female Wistar rats weighing 180 to 250gramswere acclimatized for 2 weeks and divided into control (A), 4hrs (B) and 6hrs (C) groups and were exposed to RE-EMF for a period of 28 days. Oestrous cycle was monitored daily and hormonal level was determined using standardized enzymatic colorimetric methods. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare the mean values of variables among the groups accepting statistical significance at p≤ 0.05.

Results: Oestrous cycle was deranged in experimental group compared to the control. Mean serum level of Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in control group remained low compared to the exposed groups. Luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in group A were almost double that of the group B and C, while the serum level of Oestrogen was lowest in group A. Progesterone level in the control group was higher than the experimental group


Conclusion: RF EMR showed an adverse effect on the weight and oestrous cycle but the effect on the reproductive hormones is not significant although the effect appeared to be related to the duration of exposure.


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How to Cite

Olarinoye, A. O., Oyewopo, A. O., Olarinoye, J. K., & Olagbaye, B. A. (2023). The impact of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone on oestrous cycle and reproductive hormones in female wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) . Research Journal of Health Sciences, 9(3), 282–288. Retrieved from