Comparative effects of pilates and isometric exercises on pain, functional disability and range of motion in patients with knee osteoarthritis
Isometric exercises, Pilate's exercises, knee osteoarthritisAbstract
Objectives: Knee osteoarthritis is the most common disease of the knee joint and a growing public health problem with physical disability, preventing performance of daily activities. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of isometric and Pilates exercise on pain, functional disability and range of motion in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Methods: A total of 33 subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee joint completed the study. They were recruited from two tertiary hospitals in Lagos state, Nigeria and were assigned to three different groups (A, B, C). Group A included subjects that received Pilates exercises and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulation (TENS). Group B included subjects that were treated using isometric exercise and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). Group C comprised of subjects that underwent lifestyle modification and received Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). Subject underwent this protocol twice weekly for 8 consecutive weeks. They were assessed for pain, functional disability and range of motion using VAS scores, WOMAC scores and Goniometer as outcome measures. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21. Level of significance was set at p<0.05.
Results: The results showed that in both Pilates and isometric groups there was reduction in pain intensity (P=0.001) and functional disability (P=0.001) as well as improvement in the range of motion (P=0.001) of the subjects.
Conclusion: Pilates and isometric exercises can reduce pain, improve functional ability and also range of motion of patient with knee osteoarthritis.
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