Functional dyspepsia in Yola, Nigeria


  • A. B. Olokoba
  • F. K. Salawu
  • J. A. Vickola


Functional dyspepsia, endoscopic, Nigerians


Objective: Dyspepsia is a common disorder originating from the upper gastrointestinal tract, and is the most common indication for gastrointestinal endoscopy. Even though, functional dyspepsia (non-ulcer dyspepsia) is not life –threatening, it has profound clinical and economic effects, and influences the quality of life of sufferers. Data is scanty on functional dyspepsia from Nigeria. This study aims to determine the prevalence of functional dyspepsia in Yola, Nigeria.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out at the Gastroenterology unit of Federal Medical Centre, Yola from December, 2006 to October, 2010.

Patients with dyspepsia who had upper gastrointestinal endoscopy as part of their work-up were recruited. Their biodata, history and duration of dyspepsia were noted on a proforma. The spectrum of endoscopic findings was also noted.

Results: A total of 441 patients underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy out of which 299 patients had dyspepsia.  One hundred and thirteen (37.8%) were males while 186 (62.2%) were females, giving a male to female ratio of 1:1.6. The age range was from 18 to 97 years with a mean of 47.6 ± 9.4 years. Clinically significant endoscopic findings were seen in 94.0% while functional dyspepsia was seen in 18 patients (6.0%).

Conclusions: Functional dyspepsia was seen in only a minority of patients with dyspepsia.


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How to Cite

Olokoba, A. B., Salawu, F. K., & Vickola, J. A. (2023). Functional dyspepsia in Yola, Nigeria. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 3(1), 38–44. Retrieved from