Assessment of challenges inhibiting effective delivery of health care services among frontline Professional health workers during COVID-19 Lock down in Nigeria
COVID 19, health care delivery, frontline workers, social distancing, telemedicineAbstract
Background: Coronavirus (COVID-19) increased patient loads globally, having a negative impact on health services. Social distancing is one strategy to prevent spreading COVID-19 but creates challenges for health professionals. This study assessed the challenges of COVID-19 for selected health professionals in Nigeria.
Methodology: This is a cross-sectional survey of challenges inhibiting health care service provision during COVID 19 lockdown. Data collected with a pretested online self-administered questionnaire
included age, gender, occupation, place of practice, physical distance practices, utilization of telemedicine, income and other concerns that may have inhibited their practices during the COVID 19 lockdown. Data were analyzed using a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 26.0 with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Chi square goodness of fit test was used to analyze the association between means and qualitative variables.
Results: Response rate from 599 questionnaires was 481 (78%) with physiotherapists (n=108, 23%);
nurses (n=106, 22%); doctors (n=86, 18%); laboratory technicians (n=87, 18%) and pharmacists (n=94,19%); in public sector (n=318, 66%) and private practitioners (n=163, 34%). During the “lockdown” patients interacting with health professionals in private practice decreased except increases for laboratory technicians (11.91%) and pharmacists (68.35%). Social distancing was feasible by pharmacists and laboratory technicians, but interactions by nurses, physiotherapists and doctors were compromised. Telemedicine was used mostly by doctors (n=42, 48.8%), and physiotherapists (n=50, 46.3%). Health professionals experienced mental stress 428 (89%); anxiety 176 (37%); feared infection 333 (69%) and 232 (48%) of transmitting to their families; 307 (64 %) had challenges with personal protective equipment. Suggestions were: alternate accommodation or longer shifts with less working days 111(37%); a hazard allowance 244(51%) and counseling 238(49%).
Conclusion: Private practitioners reported a loss of income with all health professionals indicating the "lockdown" and COVID-19 compromised health delivery, health services, and individuals' health. Health professionals suggested a hazard allowance, alternate accommodation, and dedicated counseling for health professionals during the pandemic.
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