Global challenges in health: effect of westernization on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria.


  • O. A. Fasanmade
  • O. O. Fasanmade
  • S. O. Iwuala


Diabetes mellitus, prevalence, challenges, westernization, Nigeria


Diabetes mellitus is a common non communicable disease which appears to be assuming epidemic proportions worldwide with 382 million people affected worldwide. Current estimates describe Nigeria as having about 4 million affected people a large proportion of which are undiagnosed. The factors driving the diabetes epidemic worldwide include obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol intake all of which are associated with globalization/ westernization. The role of these factors in Nigeria and the possible measures to reduce the trend in the country are highlighted in this review. Simple inexpensive lifestyle measures have been outlined to curb the looming diabetes epidemic in the country.


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How to Cite

Fasanmade, O. A., Fasanmade, O. O., & Iwuala, S. O. (2023). Global challenges in health: effect of westernization on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 2(2), 56–63. Retrieved from