A clinicopathologic correlation study of 2396 histopathologic skin biopsy specimens





Histopathology, Dermatopathology, clinicopathologic correlation, Skin biopsy, Skin Diseases


Background: Clinicopathologic correlation of skin biopsies is relevant in a dermatology patient's management. The study aimed to conduct a clinicopathologic corellation of skin samples.

Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of 2,396 skin biopsy specimens submitted between January 2015 and December 2021. Clinicopathologic correlation was done on only samples which had definitive clinical and histopathologic diagnosis. Data was analyzed with the R studio.

Results: A total number of 2,396 skin biopsies were received from 2319 patients. Clinicopathologic correlation was conducted on 1,831 samples which had both definitive clinical and histopathological diagnoses. A definitive clinicopathologic correlation was obtained in 66.8%(1224/1831) and this was 64.8% for benign tumours, 60.4% for malignant tumours, 66.7% for inflammatory diseases, 70.8% for infections, 85.5% for scalp and hair disorders and 50% for dermal deposits.

Conclusion: Clinicopathologic correlation of skin biopsies is high. Correlation is better with
inflammatory diseases compared to neoplastic diseases.


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How to Cite

Anaba, E., Dawodu, O., & Arabambi, A. (2023). A clinicopathologic correlation study of 2396 histopathologic skin biopsy specimens. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 11(1), 18–26. https://doi.org/10.4314/rejhs.v11i1.3