Cyanide cytotoxicity and the follicular cells of thyroid gland in male Wistar rats


  • T.D. Adeniyi
  • R.A. Bejide
  • A.A. Musa
  • O.S. Adewole


Cyanide, cytotoxicity, cassava, thyroid gland


Aim: This study was aimed at understanding the cytotoxic effect of cyanide as a result of ingesting inadequately processed cassava products linked with goitre formation as seen in cassava endemic region of Nigeria through cyanide-induced cytotoxicity in rats thyroid gland.

Materials and Methods: Twenty-one F1 Male Wistar rats were randomly grouped into three of seven rats each. The treatment groups (1 & 2), were administered with different concentration of potassium cyanide, while group 3, the control group of the experiment was administered 0.25M sucrose for 30 days. On sacrifice, the rats were bled from which serum FT3, FT4 and TSH concentration were analysed. The excised thyroid gland was processed for light microscopic investigation while the activities of G6PDH, LDH, ALP, MDA and SOD were assayed from the thyroid tissue homogenates.

Results: Histological observation of thyroid gland of rats from the experimental treated groups revealed markedly distended follicles and diffusely hyperplastic thyroid follicles lined with tall columnar epithelial cells. Their colloids are vacuolated with scalloped edges. An increase in serum FT3 and FT4 with decrease serum TSH was obtained in the treated group. Increased levels of G6PDH, LDH, ALP, MDA and decreased SOD were also observed. Activities of G6PDH, LDH, ALP, MDA, SOD, FT3, FT4 and TSH were highly significant when likened to the control group using one-way ANOVA statistical analytical method.

Conclusion: Results of this study showed the effects of cyanide cytotoxicity on the follicular cells of thyroid gland.


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How to Cite

Adeniyi, T., Bejide, R., Musa , A., & Adewole, O. (2023). Cyanide cytotoxicity and the follicular cells of thyroid gland in male Wistar rats. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 1(1), 45–55. Retrieved from