Pattern of cardiovascular diseases among Nigerians with rheumatoid arthritis
RA, CVD, Pattern, Nigerians, Echocardiography, ElectrocardiograpHAbstract
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common chronic inflammatory
disease. Cardiovascular disease is one of the most critical extra-articular
features, responsible for about half of all deaths in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis. This study aims to describe the pattern of cardiovascular diseases
among Nigerians with RA.
Methods: A two-year cross-sectional study of 101 consecutive RA patients at
the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos. Clinical, electrocardiography, and
echocardiography assessments of the cardiovascular system were performed.
Results:The median age (IQR) of the participants was 50(21) years, 82 (81.2%)
females and 19 (18.8%) males. The frequency of cardiovascular disease is 72
(71.3%); specifically, hypertension 55(54.5%), hypertensive heart disease
17(16.8%), electrocardiographic abnormalities 45(44.6%) and
echocardiographic abnormalities 40 (39.6%). Age (P = 0.02), sex (P = 0.05),
occupation (P = 0.02), synovitis (P = 0.03), seropositivity (P = 0.03) and
DAS28ESR (P= 006) were associated cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusion: The prevalence of cardiovascular disorders in Nigerians with RA
is high, encompassing a wide range of abnormalities. These abnormalities are
higher among the older age group and those with higher disease activity scores.
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