Emerging genetic profile of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and controls in south western Nigeria: Catalyst for sustainable development


  • C. A. Akinleye
  • P. B Olaitan
  • C. O. Alebiosu
  • E. O. Asekun-Olarinmoye


Genetic markers, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Nigerian Communities


Background: In sub-Saharan Africa, Type 2 diabetes care is greatly hampered
by huge financial burden causing poor accessibility to healthcare. This study
determined the genetic and environmental factors with potentials of attaining
Goals 3 and 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria.
Methodology: This study was a case-control study. A multistage sampling
technique was employed in the selection of 1500 patients with T2DM and 1500
controls in South Western Nigeria. Biophysical measurements and Glycaemic
biomarkers were assessed for all respondents. Odds Ratio (OR) was determined
with a level of significance was set at P<0.05
Results: The prevalence of Type 2 DM was 5%. However rural communities
had older subjects with T2DM as compared with urban communities P<0.01.
Glycaemic biomarkers and biophysical profiles were age and sex-related
p<0.05 in both rural and urban communities. Transcription Factor 7 like 2
(TCF7L2) was found to be genetic marker of T2DM.
Conclusion: Transcription Factor 7 like 2 gene is a genetic marker of T2DM in
Nigeria, which forms a framework for achieving goals 3 and 17 of the SDGs


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How to Cite

Akinleye, C. A., Olaitan, P. B., Alebiosu, C. O., & Asekun-Olarinmoye, E. O. (2024). Emerging genetic profile of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and controls in south western Nigeria: Catalyst for sustainable development. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 12(2), 97–105. Retrieved from https://rjhs.org/index.php/home/article/view/387