Hydrogen peroxide measurements: its wet deposition in HigashiHiroshima city, concentration in Kurose River and role towards hydroxyl radical formation
rainwater, river, photoproduction, radical, deposition, reactive oxygen speciesAbstract
Background: Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a versatile reactive oxygen specie and a major source of hydroxyl radical (OH). The study was conducted to understand the production routes/sources, interrelationship and roles of H2O2 and OH in the natural waters.
Method: The H2O2 and OH in rainwater and the Kurose River were measured monthly in the year 2013 using a HPLC-fluorescence detector.
Results: H2O2 concentrations in the rainwater and river were highly season-dependent. H2O2 concentrations in the rainwater varied from 0.03 ìM (Winter) to 14.3 ìM (Spring). Estimated wet deposition of H2O2 was 7.5 mmol m-2 y-1 while in the River, a range of 0.06?0.37 ìM H2O2 were measured. The lowest and highest concentrations of H2O2 were found in the winter and summer, respectively. Good correlations existed between the solar intensity and H2O2 concentrations (rainwater: r = 0.79, p < 0.01; river: r = 0.81, p < 0.01) indicating photoproduction as a major H2O2 source in the natural waters.
Conclusion: H2O2 was a major OH source in the rainwater (0.2?48%), while NO2? was predominantly OH source (49?80%) in the Kurose River.
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