Pregnant women's knowledge, perception and attitudes towards caesarian section among obstetrics unit attendants in a teaching hospital
Pregnant women, caesarean section, vaginal birth, perception, hospital, GhanaAbstract
Background: This study investigated pregnant women's knowledge level, perception and attitudes towards caesarean section in the Obstetrics Unit at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital.
Methods: We employed a descriptive cross-sectional survey design to conduct the study.
Results: The findings of the study revealed that majority (82.2%) of pregnant women have considerable knowledge about conditions that predisposes a woman for caesarean section as well as the risk of complications. Factors which significantly encouraged respondents to undergo caesarean section deliveries were they being necessary to protect the health of their babies (85.8%), having more knowledge about caesarean section procedures and risks and trusting in the competence of the doctor (53%). On the other hand, the study identified some inhibiting factors such as 67% of women perceive that caesarean sections take away the joy of a woman, while giving birth. Respondents (56%) however, indicate that caesarean sections were not unnatural nor only reserved for those with medical issues or those who fear pain; they are not embarrassing to reveal to family, friends, etc.
Conclusion: In the case of a tertiary hospital in Ghana, women attending antenatal clinic have acquired adequate knowledge and fairly good attitudes and perceptions about caesarean section, its benefits and possible complications. The findings of this study have important policy and practical implications for other levels hospitals.
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