Leadership competencies of primary healthcare managers: a cross-sectional quantitative study of high, medium and low performing district councils in Tanzania


  • UA Kingu
  • JI Ismail
  • SM Kibusi


Leadership competency, Primary healthcare managers, Low- and middle-income countries


Objectives: This research article examined the leadership competency of primary healthcare facility managers in the selected high, medium and low performing District Councils in Tanzania.

Methods: The study was conducted in the selected high, medium and low performing District Councils in Tanzania. This research used cross sectional quantitative research design. A complete enumeration sampling strategy was employed to inquire data from 102 primary healthcare facility managers. Similarly, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 25) was used to analyse the data. Ethically, the permission was granted by the University of Dodoma.

Findings: Results revealed that, (72.55%), (66.45%) and (80.39%) of primary healthcare manager were competent and (27.45%), (33.55%), and (19.61%) were less than competent in leading people and teams, leading organisation, and leader quality respectively.

Conclusions: The study concludes that primary healthcare managers exhibited competent and less than competent levels of leadership competency in all investigated constructs.


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How to Cite

Kingu, U., Ismail, J., & Kibusi, S. (2023). Leadership competencies of primary healthcare managers: a cross-sectional quantitative study of high, medium and low performing district councils in Tanzania . Research Journal of Health Sciences, 11(4), 307–316. Retrieved from https://rjhs.org/index.php/home/article/view/28