A Cross-sectional Study of Female HIV Patient Perspective of Dyadic Adjustment in HIV Sero-concordant and Sero-discordant couples


  • K. J. Sodeinde
  • O. Olu-Abiodun
  • E. F. Bamidele
  • O. A. Abiodun


Couple, Distress, Dyadic adjustment, HIV, Sero-concordant, Sero-discordant


Background: Dyadic Adjustment is defined as the process with which couples form a steady relationship.  This study assessed dyadic adjustment in HIV couples in Ogun State, Nigeria.

Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out among 458 women accessing HIV care in tertiary hospitals in Ogun State, Nigeria. Participants were evaluated using the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale and analyzed using the Stata/SE 15.1 statistical Package. Chi-square and t-tests were used to determine the correlates of dyadic adjustment (Distress/Non-distress) while logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of distress.

Results: Only 28.82% had relationship distress while the majority (71.18%) had no distress. There was a statistically significant association between marital status and the level of distress. Those who were currently married were less likely to have distress than those who were single or previously married.

Conclusion: Those who were not married were more predisposed to distress. More support for these groups is therefore recommended.


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How to Cite

Sodeinde, K. J., Olu-Abiodun , O., Bamidele, E. F., & Abiodun, O. A. (2023). A Cross-sectional Study of Female HIV Patient Perspective of Dyadic Adjustment in HIV Sero-concordant and Sero-discordant couples. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 9(2), 133–141. Retrieved from https://rjhs.org/index.php/home/article/view/276