Assessment of the Effects of Cocoa Powder on Blood Pressure in Humans – A Preliminary Study in Osogbo


  • C. O. Alebiosu
  • O. Omobuwa
  • A. A. Akintunde
  • J. O. Peter
  • O. O. Olaniyan


Cocoa powder, blood pressure, hypertensives


Background: Cocoa powder contains polyphenols (phytonutrients) which are increasingly being used either as dietary supplements or in fortification of foods. Polyphenols exhibit antioxidant activity known to play a vital role in reducing the risk of some diseases (including cardiovascular diseases) in humans by protecting cells in the body from damage during aerobic production of energy. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of flavonoid-rich Cocoa powder on the blood pressure of clinically stable hypertensive patients.

Materials and Methods: In this intervention study, sixty-eight patients attending cardiology clinics (for treatment of hypertension) in two selected hospitals were serially recruited into the study after ethical approval had been obtained. Physical examination was conducted and selected parameters (including blood pressure, weight and height) were recorded. Each participant was instructed to consume 25g of cocoa powder diluted in 250 ml of water twice daily. Physical examinations were repeated on a 2-weekly basis, BMI was calculated on each visit. They were followed up for 9 weeks and the relevant clinical parameters were repeated at each clinic visit.

Results: Of the 67 subjects examined on the first day, 18 (26.8%) were hypertensive (BP > 140/90 mmHg). During subsequent visits, the proportion of hypertensive BP status gradually declined over the weeks as follows: 19 out of 67 (28.4%), 16 out of 63 (25.4%), 8 out of 60 (13.3%) and 7 out of 60 (11.6) in weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9 respectively. The BMI of the subjects did not show any significant variation over the weeks during the course of the study.

Conclusion: The study showed that daily cocoa consumption may be beneficial in the control of the BP and complimentary to pharmacotherapy in Nigerian hypertensive patients. However, we recommend the conduct of further studies (randomized study on a larger scale) in the Nigerian population in order to further validate the findings of this study.


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How to Cite

Alebiosu, C. O., Omobuwa, O., Akintunde, A. A., Peter, J. O., & Olaniyan, O. O. (2023). Assessment of the Effects of Cocoa Powder on Blood Pressure in Humans – A Preliminary Study in Osogbo. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 8(3), 190–200. Retrieved from