Cardiovascular responses and perceived exertion of young adults to head and shoulder load carriage


  • A. Y. Oyeyemi
  • Z. D. Umar
  • A. Lawan
  • A. L. Oyeyemi
  • A. A. Akanbi
  • H. S. Muhammad


Cardiovascular responses, perceived exertion, load carrying, rural communities


Objective: To determine the cardiovascular responses and perceived exertion of young adults walking and carrying a load of 10 kg on shoulder and the head.

Method: Healthy participants (n=50) between the ages of 21 and 27 were subjected to three testing sessions at self-selected normal pace without load, and carrying a 10 kg load on the shoulder and on the head for 10 minutes. Cardiovascular parameters and their ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured before and after testing at each session.

Results: Higher pulse pressure (correlates of stroke volume) and rate pressure product (index of myocardial oxygen uptake) values were observed following load on shoulder testing compared to no load testing values and a higher RPE value was observed for load on shoulder testing when compared to load on head testing.

Conclusion: It is conceivable that carrying load on the head can potentially be more economical than carrying load on the shoulder for this cohort of young adults.


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How to Cite

Oyeyemi, A. Y., Umar, Z. D., Lawan, A., Oyeyemi, A. L., Akanbi, A. A., & Muhammad , H. S. (2023). Cardiovascular responses and perceived exertion of young adults to head and shoulder load carriage. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 8(1), 45–52. Retrieved from