Pattern and associated factors of psychoactive substance use among undergraduate students in a North-eastern Nigerian University
Psychoactive substance, Psychiatric morbidity, undergraduate studentsAbstract
Objective: There is an increased trend in the use of psychoactive substances among youths in Northern Nigeria. Youths use substances to enhance performances. Studies have shown associations between drug use and psychiatric morbidity. This study examined the use of psychoactive substances among undergraduates. It also assessed the presence of psychiatric morbidity among the users and nonusers of psychoactive drugs.
Method: The study was a cross-sectional study using WHO Student Drug Use Survey Questionnaire and GHQ-12 for 983 undergraduates of a northern Nigeria university.
Results: The prevalence rate of psychoactive substance use was 36.5%. Tobacco, stimulants and alcohol were commonly used drugs. Parental separation and fathers' use of drugs were factors associated with the use of psychoactive substances. Psychiatric morbidity among substance users and non-users were 31.0% and 11.8%
Conclusion: The study found high rate for the use of psychoactive substances among the students with correspondingly high rate of psychiatric morbidity among the users of psychoactive substances.
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