Assessment of students' satisfaction with university health care services in a medical university in southern Nigeria
Students, satisfaction, University, healthcare, servicesAbstract
Objectives: Assessment of patients' satisfaction with health services helps to identify deficiencies in health care delivery and provides invaluable feedback to health care providers. Level of satisfaction of students with the health services provided by a University in Southwest Nigeria was assessed with the aim of providing feedbacks to the health workers.
Methods: The study is a cross-sectional descriptive study that assessed satisfaction of students with University health services between April 2016 and March 2017 using the Short Assessment of Patient Satisfaction (SAPS) questionnaire. Data generated was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences version 17.0.
Results: One hundred and forty-one students participated in this study with male: female ratio of 1:1.6 and mean age of 18.70±3.25 years. Their mean SAPS score was 18.70±3.25. One-hundred and ten (78%) of the respondents were satisfied with the effect of the treatment received, 95(67.4%) were satisfied with their communication with the doctors, 102(72.4%) were satisfied with physical examination by their doctors, 105(74.6%) were satisfied with their involvement in decision making concerning their health, 83(58.9%) were satisfied with the respect accorded to them by the doctors, 57(40.4%) were satisfied with duration of time spent by the doctor with them. Overall satisfaction using the total SAPS scores showed that 73(51.7%) were satisfied with the care.
Conclusion: About half of the respondents were satisfied with the health services received. Domains with the lowest scores were those related to short duration of time spent with patients during consultation and respect for patients.
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