Knowledge, perception and determinants of utilization of pharmacovigilance services among healthcare practitioners in Abuja.


  • A. A. Akor
  • E. A. Ajiga
  • B. O. Akor


Pharmacovigilance, knowledge, Healthcare practitioners (HCP), Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reporting, determinants of utilization


Objective: To determine knowledge, perception, practice and determinants of utilization of pharmacovigilance services among healthcare practitioners (HCP).

Methods: This was a cross sectional study of HCP. A self-administered structured questionnaire was developed and pretested before administration. The participants were selected randomly using a sampling interval of four. Three hundred and forty questionnaires were administered.  Data obtained were analyzed using SPSS version 20.

Results: The response rate was 89%, of which 42% were males. Majority of the respondents had good knowledge of pharmacovigilance (PV), however only about 11.8% have reported Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR), 26% have ever been trained on PV, 27% knew of the ADR reporting tool, the “yellow form”. The major reason for underreporting of PV was ignorance on the part of the practitioners.

Conclusion: The practice of PV among HCP is low, possible reasons include low training and poor knowledge of the ADR reporting tool. We recommend regular training of HCP to improve PV services.


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How to Cite

Akor, A. A., Ajiga, E. A., & Akor, B. O. (2023). Knowledge, perception and determinants of utilization of pharmacovigilance services among healthcare practitioners in Abuja. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 6(3), 133–140. Retrieved from