Pattern of presentation of ear, nose, throat, head and neck injury in a developing country


  • W. A. Adegbiji
  • T. G. Olajide
  • O. A. Olajuyin
  • F. Olatoke
  • C. C. Nwawolo


Ear, Nose, Otorhinolaryngology, Head, Neck, Injuries, Trauma, Developing country


Objective: Ear, nose, throat, head and neck injuries are a common otorhinolaryngology disorder worldwide. This study aimed at determining the prevalence, sociodemographic features, aetiology, clinical presentation management and outcome of injuries to the ear, nose, throat, head and neck region.

Methods: This was a prospective study of patients with otorhinolaryngolology, head and neck injuries that presented at our tertiary health institution. Consented patients were studied between October 2015 and September 2017. Analysis of obtained data was done with SPSS version 16.0.

Results: The prevalence of ear, nose, throat, head and neck injury was 9.4%. There were 63.5% males 36.5% females with male to female ratio of 1.5:1. Foreign bodies' impaction was the commonest cause of injury in 32.3% followed by road traffic accidents in 19.8%. Commonest anatomical region were ear and nose in 49.7% and 28.5% respectively. Common clinical features among the patients were pain in 46.5%, bleeding in 37.8% and foreign bodies' impaction in 32.3%. Presentations for otorhinolaryngology care among the patients were common in 95.1% acute injury than 4.9% chronic injury (≥ 13 weeks). Commonest associated complications of the injuries were otitis media in 18.8% others were 14.9% otitis externa, 9.4% perforated tympanic membrane and 6.3% epistaxis. Pre-hospital treatment in the patients was 67.4%. Major treatment offered to the patients was conservative/medical therapy in 28.8%.

Conclusion: Ear, nose, throat, head and neck injuries are common in the otorhinolaryngology practice. Commonest causes are self inflicting foreign bodies' impaction and road traffic accident. Pre-hospital treatment among the patients was very high.


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How to Cite

Adegbiji, W. A., Olajide, T. G., Olajuyin, O. A., Olatoke, F., & Nwawolo, C. C. (2023). Pattern of presentation of ear, nose, throat, head and neck injury in a developing country. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 6(1), 3–12. Retrieved from