Event characteristics and socio-demographic features of rape victims presenting for post exposure prophylasix at the Federal Medical Centre, Owerri Nigeria


  • C. E. Nwolisa
  • E. Ofondu
  • J. Ezeogu
  • K. Odinaka
  • O. Adimora


HIV, Rape, Post exposure prophylaxis, Criminal code


Objectives: On account of increasing awareness of the need for Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and availability of requisite drugs, victims of rape are now presenting at health facilities including ours to access PEP for HIV. This study set to document the socio-demographic features of these victims and the event characteristic of the rape act.

Methods: The medical records of patients who presented between January 2009 and December 2013 to the Paediatric infectious diseases clinic of Federal medical Owerri for PEP were reviewed.

Results: One hundred and fifty three patients presented over reviewed period. 148(96.7%) presented for

PEP on account of rape.  They consisted of 147 females and 1male.61 (41.2%) of victims previously knew and could identify their assailants while 19(12.8%) of the victims had been previously raped. 32 (21.6%) victims presented on the day of the rape and weapons were used in 27% of the cases to ensure the victims cooperation. The most common place for the rape act was the assailant's home.None of the victims completed the schedule of follow up visits.

Conclusion: Rape remains the commonest reason for presentation at our centre for PEP. Most victims still present late and are nearly always lost to follow-up after the initiation of PEP.


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How to Cite

Nwolisa, C. E., Ofondu, E., Ezeogu, J., Odinaka, K., & Adimora, O. (2023). Event characteristics and socio-demographic features of rape victims presenting for post exposure prophylasix at the Federal Medical Centre, Owerri Nigeria. Research Journal of Health Sciences, 4(3), 195–202. Retrieved from https://rjhs.org/index.php/home/article/view/155