Knowledge gap about HIV/AIDs and stigma associated beliefs in an urban Community in Southwest Nigeria: Implication for social work
Community, perception, HIV/AIDS, people living with HIV/AIDSAbstract
Objectives: In Nigeria, over the years, community beliefs regarding HIV strongly influence stigma and discrimination experienced by People Living with HIV (PLHIV). Perception about its transmission has led to loss of income/livelihood, loss of marriage & childbearing options, poor care within the health sector, withdrawal of care-giving in the home, loss of hope & feelings of worthlessness as well as loss of reputation in the society. This study assessed community awareness and perception about HIV/AIDS in Osogbo Local Government, Osun State.
Materials and Methods: It is a cross sectional descriptive survey. A total of 449 respondents were selected using multi stage sampling technique.
Result: A little less than half i.e 208 (46.3%) believed that HIV can be transmitted through kissing, and 114 (25.4%) through hugging. One hundred and eleven (24.7%) believed that it is an act of God's punishment. Some respondents, 140(31.2%) believed that infected individuals should not get married, 67 (14.9%) will not keep friendship with infected individuals, 76 (16.9%) will not employ infected individual while 333(74.2%) believed infected individuals should be secluded from the society. A little less than half i.e 209 (46.5%) are yet to do HIV test. A significant association was found between occupation, educational status and the perception about PLHIV (p=0.000)
Conclusion: There is high level of awareness about HIV among studied respondents. This pattern was however marred with misconceptions together with discriminating and stigmatizing tendencies, which could affect response to HIV scourge prevention . Therefore, continuous health education through health talks and mass media exposure will be helpful to improve misconception about HIV transmission and treatment.
approach is required. There was significant association between education and perception towards PLWHAs as reported in this study. The logistic regression also suggested more friendly and human approach to the issue of social life of PLWHAs by the educated and professional group when compared to the uneducated and non professionals. This suggests that these group of people are less likely to discriminate against PLWAs. In a similar study, respondents with less than secondary school education had a discriminatory attitude toward HIV positive people.This indicates that education is important in the society in order to have the right perspective to life and issues in the society.
The level of awareness about HIV is high among studied respondents. This pattern was however marred with misconceptions together with discriminating and stigmatizing tendencies, which could affect response to HIV scourge prevention and control. Since awareness is key to the prevention of HIV/AIDS, there is an urgent need to increase the level of awareness about HIV/ AIDS, especially among the low socio economic and low educational status within the community using all methods of mass media and intensive information, education and
communication (IEC) activities by use of local folk media.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Acknowledgement: We acknowledge the efforts of medical students who helped in data collection.
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