Paediatric ocular and adnexa malformation in Birnin Kebbi, northwestern Nigeria
Congenital eye/adnexal malformations, paediatric, parent/caregiverAbstract
Objectives: Congenital eye and adnexa malformations although rare, are however a major challenge to health professionals in terms of diagnosis. There are also emotional, financial and stigmatization challenges experienced by the patients and their relatives. Appropriate management of these patients requires multidisciplinary approach. The study is to determine the pattern and presentation; and also create awareness among health workers and the public on the congenital eye/adnexal malformation.
Methods: A 3-year retrospective review of all patients who presented at our hospital on account of congenital eye/adnexal malformations from 1st January 2011 through 31st December 2013 was done. Information on socio-demographics, laterality, type of malformation, presentation and Visual acuity were extracted from patients' folders. The data was analyzed by SPPS version 18.
Results: 78 cases of congenital eye/adnexal malformations were recorded during the study period. There were equal numbers of males and females (39 each). Most of the patients were 1year and above (57.7%) at the time of diagnosis. Both eyes were involved in 54 (69%) patients and right eye were 17 (22%). The common congenital eye/adnexal defects identified were congenital ptosis 12 (15.4%), glaucoma 10 (12.8%) and esotropia 9 (11.5%). Majority of the mothers were between 21 and 25years of age (65.4%) as at the time of giving birth to these patients.
Conclusion: Congenital ptosis and glaucoma were the commonest types of congenital eye/adnexal defects seen in this environment. These defects were important causes of poor vision and blindness. Parents/caregivers and health professionals awareness on examination, early presentation and treatment is highly required.
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